Thursday, October 18, 2007


S.C. recalls to big brother Nigel that they were once in Mommy's belly. She asks,

"Did we have fun together?"

-- S.C., 28 months old (Sept 30, 2004)


Sophia Claire comments to her mommy:

"Do you remember when I was in your belly? I was in your belly when I was a tiny baby. Nigel was in your belly, too. And George, too.

". . . Are there more babies in your belly?"

-- Sophia Claire, 27 months old (September 2004)

S.C. - 2 years old


S.C. - 21 months old


S.C. - 21 months old


Daddy: "What a pretty present! This is called a running suit."

S.C., laughing with delight, "runs" the suit around the room.

S.C. - 19 months old


Holding a pistachio, laughing:

"Nigel is a nut!"

S.C. - 19 months old


Exploring and explaining
S.C. - 17 months old


Wanting very much to learn to write
S.C. - 15 months old


"Me going shopping now! 'Bye! See you lay-der!"

S.C. - 14 months old


S.C.'s spot of sunlight on a rainy day
Age 12 months


"Me kissing Dora!"

"Me feeding Dora!"

"Me swinging Dora!"

Pretending at play
S.C. - 11 and 12 months old


"Here, Mommy. Now you say it --
'I love you!' "

S.C. - 11 months old


Funny girl!
S.C. - 11 months old


Turkey ...

Milk ...

Good job!

Dinner conversation
S.C. - Six months old


S.C. kisses her mommy (since age 3 months)
Age in photo - 4 months old


Happy baby
S.C. - 3 months old


Reading my favorite book! ...

The end ...

Please more reading!!!

... Reading her favorite book
S.C. - 3 months old


Nigel, please read to me.
S.C. - 8 weeks old

Delightful giggles!
while playing an imitating game with Daddy
S.C. - 15 days old


New Baby!
"Sophia Claire" [a pseudonym] - 5 days old
